Hello, you patient people!
The exams are graded and the marks available on WebCT. All the assignments I have in hand are graded as well; if you handed something in and there is no mark, get in touch with me a.s.a.p. Ditto if there are any problems with any of the grades entered.
The final grades have been submitted for verification and should be appearing shortly via Datatel. A couple are incomplete for various reasons; if this refers to you and we have not spoken, please get in touch a.s.a.p.
If you have any questions about any of your marks, or anything else, don't hesitate to contact me. Also, though final exams are not usually handed back, if you want to go over your exam I'm happy to do so. (And am I the only one who has Mick Jagger playing over and over in their head??)
I really enjoyed our class. You are a good group and you produced some fine work. I hope to see many of you again in other English courses.
Best of luck in the new year, and in your courses this term!
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