Information about this section of 2101:This is a second year term course. It provides an introduction to the breadth of literature in English as well as to some of the tools critics use to interpret literary texts. The course is organized chronologically and covers a range of genres (i.e. prose; poetry; drama). Particular attention will be paid to:
i) literary culture (the culture of the literate elite, but also the way a culture makes meaning, and the cultural role of texts and literature itself);
ii) textual production (how texts are written and produced within the literary marketplace);
iii) developing some of the critical skills important in English and the Humanities; and
iv) learning some basic tools for understanding literary texts.
This course is part of the core curriculum for the English Programme. It will assist students in the development of their reading and writing skills and their understanding of the discipline.
The class will meet twice a week for 80 minutes each session. We will often follow a lecture format but every member of the class will be expected to participate through discussion, group work, and participation on this, the course weblog. Students are expected to have read the assigned readings before class.
Information about 2101 more generally:This course is one of two courses which survey the range for English literature from its roots in Old English to contemporary literature. This course covers the period before 1800; the companion course, English 2102: Literature in English II, covers the post-1800 period. Either or both courses may be taken, in either order. Both are mandatory for English Majors or Honours students. Students who have taken English 1200, no longer offered, may not take either 2101 or 2102.
Any questions about this section of the course, please do no hesitate to leave a comment here or email me at jones at unbsj dot ca. Any questions about your programme or the course in general, please consult Dr. James Noble (noble at unbsj dot ca), the Discipline Coordinator, or Dr. Anne Compton (acompton at unbsj dot ca), the Honours Coordinator.